Why it is important to have routine for children in early childhood?

As a parent, I believe it is important for us to add routines for children in early childhood. Building good and healthy habits in kids should be our priority at times when we are free from work. A routine helps our kids to develop a better understanding of the time and let them know what to expect in the next hour or two. A positive routine can be hard to find, but it is worthwhile when you know it will help your child feel happier and more confident with his or her life. These are some points I feel why is routine important to kids-

1. The child feels secure when they know what will come next.

Routines provide a sense of security for children, which helps build their self-esteem and independence. The child feels secure when they know what will come next. Routines also allow the child to work on their language skills as well as their ability to think critically and problem solve.

Routines help children learn how the world works. Children begin learning routines before they even start school. When a child wakes up in the morning, he or she knows that breakfast will be next. A child who is hungry at night knows that dinner will soon follow after going to bed. These examples show how routines teach children how things work and how they should expect certain things to happen at certain times of the day.

Routines promote good behavior because they create consistency, which gives children a sense of structure in their lives. Routines give kids something to look forward to, such as special time with mom or dad before bedtime or storytime at preschool or daycare. Routines also give parents a sense of control over situations that can often seem out of hand, such as mealtimes or naptime at home with kids

2. The child has a chance to say what he thinks.

This essentially means that he has the opportunity to present his ideas, opinions, and thoughts in a way that makes sense to him. The child learns how to express himself. This is essentially a self-expression skill that helps him understand how to express himself in a meaningful way. The child learns to think in a logical and coherent manner. Children tend to talk about things that make sense to them, which enables them to become better thinkers than their peers who have not had the chance to make their own decisions about their own lives.

The child learns how to work with others and cooperate with them. When children are allowed the freedom to choose what they want, they are able to work with others and cooperate with them in order to achieve their goals.

3. The child’s self-esteem is strengthened.

A child who knows how things are done at home feels secure and confident. The child will be proud of her ability to follow the rules of the family and will be glad that she can contribute to the happiness of the family by doing her part.

Routines help the parents to provide consistent care.

Parents need routines too! It is easier for the Parents to remember all the things that need to be done each day if he/she follows consistent routines with the children in his/her care.

Children can learn to be independent by helping with everyday tasks for example –

1. Setting the table

2. Putting clothes away

3. Packing away toys

4. Put their dishes in the sink.

5. Teach children how to do things for themselves

6. Encourage children to try new things

7. By Offering choices and rewards

Setting up routines and rituals for children helps them settle down more quickly. It is something they are used to at nursery and children enjoy it as soon as they start nursery. The magic of prediction comes into play, if you know what’s coming next you can relax more, knowing that it will happen the same way the next time.


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