10 Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

weight loss food

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have heard that certain foods are better than others when it comes to reducing your calorie intake and helping your body burn fat faster. But while some weight loss superfoods are clearly not worth the hype, other types of food can indeed help you get healthy by losing weight and keeping it off over time. Here are 10 of the most powerful foods that will help you lose weight in no time at all.

weight loss lose weight

1) Quinoa to lose weight

This grain-like seed is considered a complete protein, providing all essential amino acids. It’s also naturally gluten-free, high in fiber, and rich in antioxidants that may help regulate blood sugar levels. Quinoa’s protein makes it an ideal addition to smoothies. Adding a tablespoon of black beans or flaxseeds can up your daily intake even more. And quinoa can be used just like oatmeal, too—cook it overnight with cinnamon and top with fresh fruit in the morning for extra flavor. It is highly recommended for thyroid and diabetic patients also.

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2) Avocado

It is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber, avocados can keep you feeling full longer, which is a good thing if you’re trying to lose weight. They’re also brimming with nutrients including beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A for eye health. To top it off, half an avocado has about 160 calories—and one study found that people who ate half an avocado with lunch reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for hours afterward. With such hunger-squashing powers, you might be tempted to start every meal with guacamole. Still, adding some avocado to any meal or snack since it adds so many good things for so few calories.


3) Cottage Cheese to lose weight

Cottage cheese is a marvelous source of protein and calcium. Studies show that calcium can help curb your cravings and speed up weight loss, so it’s a good idea to incorporate more cottage cheese into your diet if you’re trying to drop some pounds. For best results, opt for low-fat varieties as opposed to full-fat ones. Aim for about 1 cup per day or 1/3rd of a cup three times per week. If you find it difficult to maintain portion control with portions that big, go with smaller quantities.

cottage cheese

4) Spinach

Popeye knew a thing or two about spinach, but he probably didn’t know that it would help you lose weight! Spinach is low in calories but high in fiber. Fiber fills you up and keeps you from overeating, so it’s a great way to naturally control your calorie intake. Spinach is also rich in folate, which research shows can help with weight loss by boosting your body’s metabolism. Eating plenty of spinach may even protect you against liver damage, according to recent research published in Hepatology. If drinking spinach straight sounds unpalatable (understandable), add a cup or two to each smoothie recipe on these 10 best green smoothies for weight loss.


5) Broccoli

This cruciferous veggie is packed with nutrients that help you drop pounds. One serving of broccoli has fewer than 10 calories, but it contains more than 5 grams of fiber—about half of your daily value. Fiber makes you feel full and aids in digestion, which helps with weight loss. Broccoli also contains a compound called sulforaphane, which has been shown to fight oxidative stress and inflammation to protect your cells from damage. It’s truly powerful stuff! If you want to increase or maintain your metabolic rate, try adding some raw veggies like broccoli into your salads every day. Yum!


6) Blueberries

Blueberries are chock-full of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that will help you lose weight. They have a low glycemic index so they won’t cause your blood sugar to spike. Plus, their bright color gives them an aesthetic appeal that makes eating healthy fun! #SpoonTip: Top yogurt with frozen berries for a fast breakfast on the go! Try our delicious blueberry protein muffins or dessert bars if you want more ways to incorporate these fruit into your diet.


7) Salmon to lose weight

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is one of a few fish that can help you lose weight. The key is to choose wild salmon over farmed salmon, which contains fewer calories and omega-3s. As a bonus, a three-ounce serving of grilled wild salmon provides 42 grams of protein—more than an 8-ounce glass of milk or a 5-ounce container of Greek yogurt! Nutritionists recommend eating fish twice a week; check out our guide on How to Cook Salmon for some great recipes.


8) Oats

Oats is a very Versatile grain. It’s an excellent source of fiber, which will help you feel full, and has been shown to lower cholesterol in some people. Oats are also great for your heart— it reduces bad LDL cholesterol and can even raise good HDL cholesterol. A study from Oklahoma State University found that participants who ate oats at least four times per week had greater drops in blood pressure over time than those who consumed a less-fiber-rich diet. A half-cup of cooked oats contains only about 150 calories. Don’t like oatmeal plain? Add fresh fruit or stir in sliced almonds or walnuts.

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9) Almonds

Not only are almonds high in fiber and protein. They’re also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to boost heart health. Plus, Researchers say those who consume nuts tend to have lower body weights than people who don’t. So stock up on almonds: they make a great snack while you’re watching TV and working toward your weight-loss goals.


10) Apples to lose weight

One apple contains less than 100 calories, making it an ideal food to eat between meals if you’re trying to lose weight. Apples are also high in fiber and provide natural sweetness. It satisfies your sweet tooth without derailing your diet. Check out these 20 things only apples can do to make you healthier.


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