How To Keep Yourself Energized In The Month Of Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset during this time. Fasting is one of Islam’s five pillars and a time for spiritual introspection and self-control.
Ramadan lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on whether the year is a leap year. The exact date varies from year to year, although it is usually within a few days of the new moon (depending on where you reside).

Ramadan Healthy Eating Habits to Incorporate

plan your meal ahead in ramadan-

When you’re hungry and in a hurry, it’s difficult to make healthy choices, so plan out your meals for the day and make sure they’re high in protein, fibre, and other nutrients.

Include healthful snacks in your menu-

If you become hungry between meals or before night, consider eating an apple with peanut butter or yoghurt mixed with oats instead of grabbing for a bag of chips or a chocolate bar, which will only add calories with no nutritious benefit.

Stay hydrated in ramadan-

Drinking lots of water throughout the summer months when temperatures are high outside–and inside! Drink at least eight glasses of water each day (more if feasible) to avoid headaches and weariness when fasting during Ramadan.

Eat slowly and mindfully-

Taking your time when eating is one of the greatest strategies to eat healthily. This will allow you to savour each meal, thereby reducing cravings and overeating.

Avoid processed foods-

Processed foods are heavy in salt, sugar, or fat, all of which can be harmful to your health if consumed in big quantities. Instead of consuming commercial snacks like chips or cookies during Ramadan (or any other time), make your own using healthful grains and fresh vegetables!

Sleep well at night and exercise throughout the day-

Getting adequate restful sleep every night is critical for optimal health, and being active throughout the day helps us stay energised throughout the day!

Some ideas for staying motivated to eat properly and exercise during ramadan:

Set reasonable goals-

During the month, set attainable goals for yourself in terms of eating healthy and staying fit. Set acceptable goals that will not elicit feelings of despair or failure. Instead, focus on making little, long-term changes to your lifestyle.

Make self-care a priority-

Taking care of oneself is critical to being motivated to eat well and exercise. Get enough sleep, use stress-reduction tactics, and set aside time to rest and decompress.

Find a workout partner-

Exercising with a friend or family member can help you keep motivated and accountable. Find someone who shares your fitness objectives and commits to working out together on a regular basis.

Try new activities-

Incorporating new activities into your exercise programme may help keep things fresh and minimise boredom. Experiment with different routines, enroll in a fitness class, or go for a walk or bike ride in a new place.

Keeping track of your progress will help you stay motivated and realize how far you’ve come. Keep a food journal, monitor your exercises, or snap progress photographs to remain on track and motivated.

Setting up a reward system for meeting your healthy eating and workout goals might help you stay motivated. When you hit a milestone in your journey, reward yourself with something you like, such as a massage or a new exercise attire.

Remember that remaining motivated to eat healthy and exercise is a journey, and you must be gentle with yourself along the way. Celebrate your victories, learn from your failures, and keep working towards your objectives.

Finally, a good Ramadan diet is essential for overall health. During this holy month, it will help you maintain your energy levels and keep you feeling healthy. You may also utilize these methods to Energize and motivated during fasting.
