7 Benefits of Drinking Ginger Tea

All of us have heard that drinking lots of water can help to keep us hydrated and flush out toxins in our body, but did you know that drinking ginger tea can also provide your body with similar benefits? Aside from helping to fight common colds and reduce inflammation, ginger tea provides many other benefits to your health, making it a great choice when you want to relax after work or in the morning. Ginger tea can help you lose weight, improve digestion, relieve constipation, soothe nausea and stomach discomfort, and even relieve migraines! Here are 7 benefits of drinking ginger tea in your daily routine!

1) Treats Nausea

Ginger has been shown to soothe stomach ailments like nausea and indigestion. This is due to gingerol, a compound that helps control your digestive system. One study also showed that sipping on ginger tea can reduce car sickness (just don’t overdo it on your first flight!). Whether you’re feeling queasy or trying to reduce travel nausea, drinking a cup of spicy ginger tea may be just what you need.

2) Eases Menstrual Cramps

Ginger tea has been shown to reduce menstrual cramps and is much healthier than Advil or Midol. Try adding some to your daily routine—you’ll be glad you did! It also doesn’t interact with any other medications so it’s a great option for anyone who has issues with painkillers. Plus, ginger tea can help keep your heart healthy! Studies have shown that people who drink just one cup per day are less likely to have heart attacks and strokes. If you know someone having trouble managing their menstrual symptoms, suggest they give ginger tea a try instead. It could change their life (and their time of month)!

3) Ginger Improves Digestion

Ginger is a natural antacid that can soothe an upset stomach, but it may also have even more benefits for people who suffer from indigestion and other digestive problems. According to a study published in Phytotherapy Research, ginger helped increase gastric emptying and improve symptoms of heartburn caused by acid reflux in people with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Ginger tea can also help with nausea and morning sickness due to pregnancy.

4) Helps PMS

For many women, PMS can be a real pain. Some will experience cramps, nausea and bloating—not to mention all-around misery. But some experts say there’s an easy fix for these problems: ginger tea. Consuming ginger daily can ease menstrual symptoms and even help reduce your risk of ovarian cancer by reducing your levels of serum estrogen. In one study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers suggest adding 1/2 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root to boiling water. Allow it to steep 10 minutes before drinking three times per day during menstruation—and report any changes in your symptoms at monthly checkups with your doctor.

5) Ginger Relieves Tension Headaches

Did you know that most headaches (up to 90 percent) are tension-related? And ginger is often considered an effective treatment for preventing and relieving tension headaches. According to a study published in Phytotherapy Research, consuming one gram of ginger daily was found to significantly reduce frequency and intensity of tension headaches in older adults. Taking 1,000 mg daily can also be helpful, especially if you’re prone to migraines. Ginger may work by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis; prostaglandins trigger muscle contractions, including those that create headaches. If you suffer from debilitating migraines or chronic tension headaches—or simply have very painful episodes now and then—give ginger tea a try! It might just help keep your head from pounding so much.

6) Helps in Combating Cancer

According to a new study from Zhejiang University, ginger protects against colorectal cancer by inhibiting certain enzymes that promote tumor growth. These new findings suggest that consuming ginger may be an effective way to prevent colon cancer and other types of cancers. While more research is needed, ginger seems like it could have great potential as a natural method for preventing cancer.

7) ginger help to Increase Immunity

If you think about it, your immune system is constantly under attack. Our bodies are bombarded with all sorts of bacteria and viruses that can invade us at any moment. The problem? Our immune systems aren’t as strong as they used to be and our hygiene standards have decreased, meaning we’re even more susceptible to illness than ever before. To avoid getting sick (and expensive doctor bills), make sure you drink plenty of ginger tea! Your immune system will thank you for it!


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